The NSW Government has established a wind energy framework to provide greater clarity, consistency and transparency for industry and the community regarding both assessment and decision-making on wind energy projects (including colocated BESS).
View the framework documents at the links below:
- Wind Energy Guideline (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Wind Energy: Visual Assessment Bulletin (PDF, 789 KB)
- Wind Energy: Noise Assessment Bulletin (PDF, 579 KB)
- Standard Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirement (SEARs) (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Below is a summary of the typical assessment and approval process for State Significant Developments which applies to BWF;
(a) Preliminary consultation with affected individuals and communities to identify community values, environmental
or land use constraints and opportunities in the project area, and inform the siting and design process.
(b) The proponent prepares a Preliminary Environmental Assessment and submits a request for and (within 28 days)
obtains project-specific SEARs from the Secretary of the Department.
(c) The proponent prepares the EIS and submits it to the Department together with a development application (DA).
(d) The Department publicly exhibits the EIS for a minimum of 30 days. Anyone can make a submission in relation to
the project during the public exhibition period.
(e) After public exhibition, the proponent prepares a report which responds to the submissions and sets out any
changes to the project, and then submits the report to the Department.
(f) The Department undertakes a comprehensive assessment of the project, prepares a report and makes a recommendation
on the determination of the DA.
(e) The relevant consent authority determines the DA by granting or refusing consent and, if consent is to be granted,
imposing conditions.
Full details are available on the Department’s web site here.